equine photographyElizabeth HayElizabeth Hay Equine Photography
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HERE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE STORIES of horses and the people that love them.

Santa Ynez Equine Liberty Session

Canadian Horse – Shinook

This Santa Ynez Equine Liberty Session completely satisfied the 8-year old “crazy horse girl” inside me. Finding horses as a kid growing up in San Franciso was a difficult task. As a result, I would pour myself over any horse book I could find – especially if it had gorgeous glossy pictures. I learned anything and everything I could through those books by Elwyn Hartley Edwards. From equine anatomy to horse breeds of the world and snippets about the various disciplines, I was devouring it all.

I loved the books of the top equine photographers at the time. It’s where the foundation was laid for my passion of photographing horses. If I’m being completely honest, it is in my heart of hearts to make a hardcover, glossy paged coffee table book on horses. I love the idea of possibly inspiring other little girls to love horses. It may take a lifetime of work but I’m in no rush. After all, good things take time.

One of my favorite things about the equine coffee table books are the liberty images. Horses running through fields with mane flowing makes my heart go flutter. Equine Liberty is one of the most relaxing and inspiring type of sessions.

When Lisa contacted me about photographing Shinook for a surprise birthday present, I was delighted! Shinook is very special to Lisa’s mom. Therefore, it was my top priority to capture Shinook’s presence.

Liberty is when the horse is in a safe and secure pasture and is let completely loose without a halter or bridle. As a result, they can run and graze freely. The horse can just be in their most natural state. Therefore, really get to see their personality and their playfulness shine. I find that horse owners love these types of images.

Lisa had her two boys help me by coaxing Shinook with cookies and sitting on the fence and calling to her. Shinook is one of those very special horses with so much soul. Needless to say, she was so in tune with Lisa and her boys. She was playing with all of us and maybe even showing off a little too!

We played with her in the pasture for a little bit as well as snagged a few black background portraits of this stunning mare. I left this Santa Ynez Equine Liberty Session with a full heart and a new love and appreciation for the Canadian Horse breed. Yep, another “dream breed” to add to my list of horses to buy when I’m an old rich woman!

Enjoy some of the images from our Santa Ynez Valley session below and click here if you’d like to book your own Equine Liberty Session.

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Hey There!

I'm California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay. Call me Beth. If you love the smell of fresh hay, a clean horse, the sound of a nicker when you walk towards the stall, and you think dirty boots are better than clean — you're in the right place. Welcome to all the bloggy goodness.





Where the equestrian and ranch lifestyle meet Art. Inspired by golden sunlight, the sweet scent of hay and the feeling of a glossy, dappled coat.