equine photographyElizabeth HayElizabeth Hay Equine Photography
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HERE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE STORIES of horses and the people that love them.

Parkfield Equine Maternity Session

Gonzalez Family | Checkmate Thoroughbreds

This Parkfield Equine Maternity session was special. Since I’ve known Adrian Gonzalez of Checkmate Thoroughbreds since our Cal Poly days, I was touched when he reached out. Because horses. Horses are the key connector in my life friends. Therefore they connect me to the best of friends.

Naturally, Adrian decided to be Husband of the Year and book a maternity session for his wife Erin. Since this was in the middle of Quarantine, we were extra careful. Adrian said, “I just don’t want her to miss this” in light of everything going on in the world. I’m not crying, you’re crying. Luckily, my 70-200mm lens allows me to stand more than 6 feet apart.

Erin is a key part of Checkmate Thoroughbreds and a total badass. Obviously, anytime someone wants a session with horses, I’m there. Mix maternity with horses and I’m your girl. Consequently, we did the majority of our session in the pregnant mare pasture. Because if anyone can understand, a broodmare can.

We shot Erin and her family and of course her beautiful belly. In true “horses are awesome” fashion, a broodmare came over and inspected Erin’s belly. In reality, instances like this lead me to believe horses know so much more than we think.

I had a great time with this horse-crazy family on their beautiful farm for our Parkfield Equine Maternity session. Check out some of our shots below and another recent maternity session here.

Parkfield Equine Maternity Session with Checkmate Thoroughbreds by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
Parkfield Equine Maternity Session at Checkmate Thoroughbreds by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
Parkfield Equine Maternity Session with Checkmate Thoroughbreds family by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
Parkfield Equine Maternity Session with Gonzalez Family by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
Parkfield Equine Maternity Session with Thoroughbreds by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
Checkmate Thoroughbreds mare in Parkfield California by Elizabeth Hay Photography.
Parkfield Equine Maternity Session with Thoroughbred mare by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
Parkfield Equine Maternity Photo Session with Checkmate Thoroughbreds by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
Checkmate Thoroughbreds Family by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography.
Checkmate Thoroughbreds broodmare by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
Checkmate Thoroughbreds mare by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
ranch border collie by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
thoroughbred mares and ranch dog from Checkmate Thoroughbreds in Parkfield, California by Elizabeth Hay Photography.
thoroughbred mare and foal from Checkmate Thoroughbreds in Parkfield, California by Elizabeth Hay Photography.
ranch border collie dog by California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay Photography
Gonzalez family and grey broodmare at Checkmate Thoroughbreds in Parkfield, California by Elizabeth Hay Photography.
Elizabeth Hay Photography Headshot

Hey There!

I'm California Equine Photographer Elizabeth Hay. Call me Beth. If you love the smell of fresh hay, a clean horse, the sound of a nicker when you walk towards the stall, and you think dirty boots are better than clean — you're in the right place. Welcome to all the bloggy goodness.





Where the equestrian and ranch lifestyle meet Art. Inspired by golden sunlight, the sweet scent of hay and the feeling of a glossy, dappled coat.